About and Contact
Jack McKee is a builder, designer, teacher and writer. He is retired now. He worked as a handyman, remodeled houses, built small boats, designed (and built) equipment used by children, schools, and children’s museums. Jack worked at a Montessori school teaching “shop” to preschoolers, taught woodworking and science for the local parks department, had a traveling science caravan which visited schools. He helped kids build boats, log buildings and cardboard domes. His articles have appeared in Home Education, Tech Directions, Early Childhood Today, Wooden Boat, and on various internet sites. He has written two books, Woodshop For Kids and Builder Boards which was updated in 2024 with a 3rd edition.
To contact Jack, send an email to: mckeejack36 at gmail dot com

Jack’s Favorites
Parenting Press Review of Woodshop for Kids
What we really, really like, however, are the life lessons that woodworking can teach.
Contains a new chapter on taking the “World’s Largest Set” out to community events.
My First Woodworking Class with Young Children
It was the most meaningful, fun, and interesting woodworking I’d ever done.
Amanda’s Woodworking Gift
Every time I see that little car, or think about it, I remember it was Amanda who made me realize how much kids love to make presents.
This is Better than Recess
"This is Better than Recess" Back in the day one of my sons was not doing so well in school, I wanted to see what school was like for him, and see if there was anything I could do to help so I volunteered at his school. Although I didn't realize it at the...
Sailing Through High School, a nauticaul alternative
“What do we want, a kid who is actively engaged in learning something new everyday or a bored, disaffected teenager, who is reluctantly putting in his time at school?”