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Kids and the Hand Operated Drill Press

Kids and the Hand Operated Drill Press

I bought this drill press many years ago and hundreds, of kids have used it. If kids can drill bigger and straighter holes it allows them to build quite a few more projects. They like the challenge of learning to use it and are proud of their new found competence.

This is Better than Recess

This is Better than Recess

“This is Better than Recess”            Back in the day one of my sons was not doing so well in school, I wanted to see what school was like for him, and see if there was anything I could do to help so I volunteered at his school. Although I didn’t...
Five Projects to Help Kids Learn the Craft of Nailing

Five Projects to Help Kids Learn the Craft of Nailing

Looking back at the first year I taught woodworking two mistakes were making projects too difficult and assuming kids could use tools. Wrong. Most kids had never picked up a tool, and the ones who had really didn’t know how to use them. Nailing is a perfect example.