Contains a new chapter on taking the “World’s Largest Set” out to community events.
Contains a new chapter on taking the “World’s Largest Set” out to community events.
“What do we want, a kid who is actively engaged in learning something new everyday or a bored, disaffected teenager, who is reluctantly putting in his time at school?”
This is an electricity board made from parts taken from a VCR and a tape deck. It is powered by and electric train transformer. It got a lot of kids interested in electricity.
When I was in the third grade, my sister and I and a couple neighborhood kids designed “go carts”.
Electricity is a slippery subject. Its hard to wrap your mind around something you can’t see.
My wife got the idea to build a doll house for our grandkids and got a big drawer from the restore.
Recently a teacher friend completed a set with her class of sixth graders and told me an amusing story about teaching practical math. She divided the class into groups, gave each group a board and the plans, and told them to draw the position of the notches on the board. Of course, each group had the notches in a different position so….. they had to figure out which plan was right.
Solar cooked hot dogs really do taste better
Below is the Table of contents from Woodshop for Kids
when it quit working I’d say, “can you figure out what’s wrong?”
To save money, and as an antidote to book work, my college buddy Joe and I used to work on our VW’s together. VW Repair for the Complete Idiot was our bible and if it failed us Joe, who didn’t like big business capitalists, would consult VW of America and do the opposite of what they recommended.
…..I’m not bad with a hammer and saw myself……It drove me crazy to go downstairs to his basement shop and look for the right tool…..
… in a hurry slow down, kids who think they can’t build anything learn they can, kids who think they know everything learn the don’t, and kids who need adult approval for everything learn to be a little more independent.
Mechanical puzzles: The Faucet, the Lock and the Lawn mower engine and more.
Make this magnetic marble roll with the kids, then watch them enjoy constructing infinite paths for the marbles.