Summer Woodworking with Kids Class
This post has pictures of the shop and description of how I organized a class of 10 kids. In the morning it was 6-8 year olds and in the afternoon it was 8-12 year olds.
This post has pictures of the shop and description of how I organized a class of 10 kids. In the morning it was 6-8 year olds and in the afternoon it was 8-12 year olds.
“What do we want, a kid who is actively engaged in learning something new everyday or a bored, disaffected teenager, who is reluctantly putting in his time at school?”
I had never built a log building before, let alone with eighth graders, but my supervisor said, no problem. He had a design and we worked out details each morning before the kids got there. No one was more surprised than I it worked so well.
On Wednesdays we do a run together for Miracle Food Network……Slowly we learned the children’s names, Mariela, Sofia, Flora, Gabbi, Iris, Alan, Karen, Carlos, Diego, Leslie, Juana, Rodrigo, Tristian, Reina. And they began to come to the door when we knocked.
“At night, in bed, sometimes I think about stealing money from rich people to give to poor people.” Our 6 year old grandson.
I later learned they were reading Robin Hood in kindergarten. Liam was pondering a local application.
When I was in the third grade, my sister and I and a couple neighborhood kids designed “go carts”.
I say, “so the check engine light on the last car I has was always on, and nothing was wrong. With this car the check engine light is off, and something is actually wrong.” Juan nods his head and says, “yup”.
My brother carves skateboards in the shape of birds or marine creatures.
To save money, and as an antidote to book work, my college buddy Joe and I used to work on our VW’s together. VW Repair for the Complete Idiot was our bible and if it failed us Joe, who didn’t like big business capitalists, would consult VW of America and do the opposite of what they recommended.
…..I’m not bad with a hammer and saw myself……It drove me crazy to go downstairs to his basement shop and look for the right tool…..