The third edition of BUILDER BOARDSNow available on Amazon

The neighborhood kids playing with a set of Builder Boards:

BUILDER BOARDS, the Complete Plans (third edition) contains all the details a woodworker needs to construct the full set of parts for this remarkable imagination set.  Wide-eyed children put BUILDER BOARDS to work, using them to erect structures actually large enough to play in.

Builder Boards was first published in 1997. The 2024 3nd edition, contains information gleaned from 30 years of building experience combined with stories about using Builder Boards with the children themselves. It includes new gable-end and roof-board designs and covers the use of recycled and leftover materials to construct the notched boards. There are easy-to-use layout plans, tips on how to use a shaper and a discussion of a CNC to cut notches. Included are new sanding and finishing recommendations.

Builder Boards at the Farmer’s Market:



Color pictures give you a sense of joy children feel while turning their ideas into a structure that stands on its own. A new chapter on taking the “World’s Largest Set” out to community events is a tour-de-force eye opener.

The first edition of Builder Boards was published in 1997. The changes below are in this 2024 3rd edition available on Amazon:

  • New roof design eliminating the hook and loop fastener.
  • New gable end design.
  • Use of a shaper to cut notches, instead of a router.
  • Discussion of CNC to cut notches.
  • New color pictures.
  • Sanding shortcuts.
  • New drawings and easier plywood layout.
  • Slightly different board lengths, but same notch spacing.
  • Boxes and bungee cords replaced with trays (mostly).
  • New low VOC varnish recommendations.
  • Split pieces eliminated because they are too easy to break.
  • Elimination of the Cedar Playhouse chapter.
  • New chapter about taking the world’s largest set out to community events.


  • If you have kids or know kids get this book, build these boards, and strike fire into their imaginations. The design is so basic, yet unique, you’ll say, “why didn’t I think of that?”
    Daniel Carter, This Old  Workshop     
  • A real prize for young builders. Its a terrific idea!
    Home Education Magazine
  • The Children’s Museum of the Shoals loves Builder Boards!
    Leslie Martin, Director
  • Builder Boards are perfect any place  young children are encouraged to learn through play and hand on experience.
      Mindport Exhibits
  • We have several sets of  Builder Boards at the Explore & More Children’s Museum and we LOVE them!!!
    Barbara Park Leggett,  Director
  • Builder Boards are the first thing the children go to when they enter the playroom.
    They have hours of fun making the most creative “houses”.
        Maureen Baker, Women care shelter
  • Builder Boards have been a wonderful classroom experience.
         Margie Sawyer, teacher 

Builder Board Posts

Builder Boards……24 Years Later

Builder Boards……24 Years Later

Recently a teacher friend completed a set with her class of sixth graders and told me an amusing story about teaching practical math. She divided the class into groups, gave each group a board and the plans, and told them to draw the position of the notches on the board. Of course, each group had the notches in a different position so….. they had to figure out which plan was right.